Los Angeles Times August 14, 2008

"If you have Brad Pitt's number handy, he'd probably appreciate a jingle about this. Pitt is said to admire Batchelder tiles -- and this listing is loaded with them...
Ernest A. Batchelder was one of the country's premier tile makers and personified the Arts & Crafts movement. His studio was in Pasadena; today, his tiles -- although not rare -- add value to a home and are greatly sought after."

By Ann Brenoff, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer HOT PROPERTY


Dr. Robert Winter August 11, 2008

 " The house is a museum.
This is magnificent and rare to see these installed at a home in 1939... It's quite special...."

August 11, 2008  Dr. Robert Winter during his visit at 6579 Pickwick


Tile Heritage President, Joseph A. Taylor

Your Batchelder tile installations are significant. Batchelder tiles were commonly used in Southern California homes from the early 1910s through the 1930s primarily on fireplace mantels. What's unusual in this home are the polychrome tiles on the stair risers, a unique combination of pattern and color with a special aesthetic appeal. There is a definite sense of both warmth and welcome to these installations."

August 2008

Tim Gregory- The Building Biographer

" The Benner house is potentially eligible for listing of local inventory of significant properties due to its fine design by a recognized architect, its prominent siting, its good state of preservation, and wealth of Batchelder Tiles found on both its interior and exterior. A number of trees from the original Lindsey Olive Orchard also Survive on the property."

September 1, 2008
